Little Actors (Маленькие Актёры)

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Спектакль "Теремок"


Mouse:   Wow! What a nice house!

               Knock, knock, knock!

               Who lives in the house?          


Frog:      Wow! What a nice house!

               Knock, knock, knock!

               Who lives in the house?

Mouse:   I’m a mouse.

               Who are you?

Frog:      I’m a frog.

               I can swim. I can jump.

Mouse:   Come in, please.

Hare:      Wow! What a nice house!

               Knock, knock, knock!  

               Who lives in the house?          

Mouse:   I’m a mouse.

Frog:      I’m a frog.

All:        Who are you?

Hare:      I’m a hare.

               I can run. I can jump.

All:         Come in, please!

Fox:        Wow! What a nice house!

               Knock, knock, knock!  

               Who lives in the house?  

Mouse:   I’m a mouse.

Frog:      I’m a frog.

Hare:      I’m a hare.

All:        Who are you?

Fox:       I’m a fox.

               I can dance.

All:        Come in, please!

Cock:     Wow! What a nice house!

               Knock, knock, knock!  

               Who lives in the house?  

Mouse:   I’m a mouse.

Frog:      I’m a frog.

Hare:      I’m a hare.

Fox:          I’m a fox.

All:          Who are you?

Cock:        I’m a cock.

                 I can sing.

                 Let’s go!


                    S   O  N  G  (Make a circle)


All:          Come in, please!

Bear:       Wow! What a nice house!

                Knock, knock, knock!  

                Who lives in the house?  

Mouse:   I’m a mouse.

Frog:       I’m a frog.

Hare:       I’m a hare.

Fox:        I’m a fox.

Hare:       I’m a hare.

All:          Who are you?

Bear:       I’m a bear.

                I’m kind.

                I’m your friend.

All:          Hooray!

                We are friends.

                 Let’s dance!

Спектакль "Принцесса на горошине"

The Princess and the PEA.

Scene 1

Queen: Oh, my dear son, I think it's time for you to get married at last!

            But we want you to marry a real princess!

Prince: I met many princesses, but I didn't like them.

Queen: Yes, one was too tall, another was too fat. And you were never sure if they 

            were real princesses.

Prince: I am really very sad about it. But….I hope for the best.

Scene 2

(Somebody is knocking at the door)

Queen: Who could it be in such a terrible storm? It’s raining cats and dogs.

Prince: It’s interesting. Mary, open the door, please!

(The maid-servant opens the door and a poor wet girl comes in)

King: Who are you, a pretty girl? Your hair is so wet.

Queen: Your dress is wet too. Who are you? Where is your house.

Princess: I have lost. I don’t know where our Kingdom is?

Prince: Kingdom? Are you a princess?

Princess: Yes, I am a real princess.

Queen: What ???

Princess: I am a real princess.

Prince: I am so happy to hear that!

Queen: Well… We’ll see about that! Maid-servant! Mary!

Maid-servant: I’m here, your majesty.

Queen: Take this young lady to the bathroom, give her a dry dress and supper. (To the Princess) And I’ll go and see if your bed is ready.

Maid-servant: Certainly, your majesty! (To the Princess) Have a bath, put on a dry dress and have supper. This way, please.

Scene 3

Queen: Let’s prepare the bed. A real princess… Now we’ll see…(To the Maiden) Take everything from the bed! Put a Pea on the deck. Now put 20 mattresses and ten sheets on top!

Maid-servant (to the spectators): The Queen is so wise! Really, we’ll find out now if this young lady a real princess.

Scene 4


Queen: How did you sleep, my dear?

Princess: Dreadfully! I hardly slept a wink all night!

Prince: Oh, Beauty! What was the matter?

Princess: I don’t know, but there was something hard on the bed! Now I’m black and blue all over!

Queen: Oh, my dear young lady! Now I see that you are a real princess! Only a real princess could feel the pea through 20 mattresses!

Prince: Mother, the Princess is real and she is really beautiful. I want to marry her just now! And I promise we will be happy!

(Wedding March by Mendelssohn is playing. The Queen is putting a crown on Princess’ head.)

Queen: Now, you are my son’s wife! At last he has found a real princess! Be happy!

All together: Happy marriage to you!!!!

Спектакль "О Королевстве, которое потеряло звук [P]" 

A story about a Palace, which lost the sound [P] many, many years ago.

Scene 1

Почтальон идёт по дороге в поисках дворца, где живут принц с принцессой.

Встречает прохожих.

Postman: Hello, dears. (снимает шляпу) I’m a postman and I’m looking for a palace. Could you tell me the way?

Passer-by 1:(друг другу удивлённо) Such a strange speech!

Passer-by 2: You are right! He’s got an accent.

Passer-by 1: Sorry!

Passer-by 2: We don’t understand you.

Postman: How can I get to the Palace?

Passer-by 1: P-p-palace!??

Passer-by 2: Do you mean Alace?

Postman: Oh, no, dears. I need a Palace. I must find a Prince and a Princess.

Passer-by 1: Who? A very strange man.

Passer-by 2: Maybe, a Rince and a Rincess?

Postman: No, no. Prince and Princess. I have a parcel for them.

Passer-by 1: Very strange words! Prince, Princess.(размышляя)

Passer-by 2: Palace, parcel.(удивляясь)

Postman: It seems to me I understand your problem. You don’t know the sound [p]. Rince-Prince, Rincess-Princess, Alace-Palace. So, could tell me the way to your Alace?

Passer-by 1: Let’s go together!

Passer-by 2: We’ll show you the way!



Scene 2

Принц с принцессой прогуливаются по саду.

Princess: Such a wonderful day! It’s sunny and not windy!

Prince: Look! Somebody is coming.

Princess: It’s Auline and Amela! And somebody else!

Auline: Hello,  Rince! Hello,  Rincess! It’s an  Ostman and here is an  arcel for you!

Princess: How interesting! May I have a look?!

Prince (to princess): Wait a little! (to postman) What’s your name?

Postman: I’m Patrick.

Prince: Where are you from?

Postman: I live in the Kingdom. And I have a present for you from my King.

Princess: Great! I’ll open the box.

Принцесса открывает посылку и достаёт звук [P].

Princess: How interesting! Such a beautiful thing! (разглядывает звук)

Prince: What’s this?

Postman: It’s a sound [p], which you lost many, many years ago.

Prince: I heard something about it.

Princess: What should we do?

Postman: I’ll teach you.

Scene 3

Почтальон одевает шляпу, очки, берет указку.

Postman: Now, I’m your teacher and you are my students.

All: OK!

Postman: Say [p], [p], [p].

All: [p], [p], [p].

Postman: Rince-Prince, Rincess-Princess, Alace-Palace.

Prince and Princess: Rince-Prince, Rincess-Princess, Alace-Palace.

Postman: Auline-Pauline, Amela-Pamela.

Auline and Amela: Auline-Pauline, Amela-Pamela.

Princess: How interesting!

Postman: Well, what’s your name?

Auline: I’m Pauline.

Postman: And you?

Amela: I’m Pamela.

Postman: Excellent! Now, repeat after me!

I've got a pet.

My pet is a pig.

His name is Pick.

He is not big.

All: I've got a pet.

My pet is a pig.

His name is Pick.

He is not big.

Postman: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.

                 A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.

Auline and Amela: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.

                                 A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked.

Postman: Prince, Princess, I have to go now.

Princess: Dear Postman! You saved our Palace.

Postman: It’s my King saved you.

Prince: Say him hello and thank him!

Postman: Of course! Good-bye!

Почтальон уходит, а во дворце начинается праздник.

Звучит музыка «Американо». Все танцуют и подпевают.


Спектакль "Маугли" 


after Rudyard Kipling


На сцене:фоном-шум джунглей. Балу и Багира лежат, Маугли пытается раздобыть огонь-трет палочку.

Mo. –Look! Look! Baloo! Bagheera! It’s a wonder! How beautiful this red flower is! Oh, it’s hot!

Boo- Stop it, Little Frog, It’s a dangerous flower. It can hurt you and us all.

Mo- Not, it can’t! I am its master!

Boo- Master! Look at him! Come here, man-cub, and tell Bagheera the Master words I have taught you.

Mo- The jungle has many languages. Which shall I speak?

Boo- Say Mater words the birds.

Mo-We be of one blood, you and I! (свистит)

Boo- And for the Snake-people?

Mo- шипит We be of one blood, you and I!

Ba- Well done, Little Brother. But remember, there is no word for Monkey-people.

Mo- Never mind! I’ll become their leader, I’ll jump all day in the trees, eat bananas and throw dirt at old Baloo. (показывает все это)

Bo-(ударом лапы сшибает его) You talked to MonkeyPeople!

Mo-And they cared about me when you hurt me!

Bo-What a shame!

Mo-And they gave me nuts and tasty things to eat. They say I am their blood-brother. They want me to be their leader!

Bo-Listen to me, foolish man-cub! They are very-very bad. They have no law. They are dirty and shameless. They are forbidden. Never talk to them. (град орехов)

Ba-We do not notice them. Never play or go with them. (град орехов)-Багира встает, угрожающе рычит, Балу тоже. За сценой треск обезьян, топот)

MO- OK, OK, I promise I never play or go with them.

Bo- All right, then. And now go to sleep. Night has come to the jungle. (Музыка, свет меркнет, Маугли строит себе шалаш из веток, ложится, свет гаснет, на авансцене появляются бандерлоги, крадутся)

М1- Hush! They are sleeping!

M2-Look! The man-cub is sleeping in a hut!

M3-How clever he is!

M4-Wow! He can get a red flower!(нюхает уголек)

M3-How clever he is!

M1- We want him to be our leader!

M2- We’ll live in huts!

M4-We’ll be warm!

M3-How clever we are!

(Танец обезьян, затем подкрадываются, хватают  Маугли за руки и ноги и быстро уносят его, затем появляются на авансцене, он уже идет, они тащат его за руки)

M1-Run, Monkey-Brother, run!

Mo-I am tired. let me have a rest!

M2-Just for one minute. We’ll bring bananas and water/ (убегают)

Прилетает коршун.

Chil -Who are you, man-cub?

Mo- We are of one blood, you and I. Tell Baloo and Bagheera where I am.

Chil-In whose name, little Brother?

Mo- Mowgli, the Frog.

Chil-I’ll fly and tell them at once! (улетает)

Возвращаются обезьяны, устраивают гвалт, съедают бананы сами, Маугли ничего не достается. Хватают его и тащат дальше. Коршун прилетает к Балу и Багире.

Chil-Hello, Brothers! Hurry up! The man-cub is in danger!

Ba- Have you seen him?

Chil-yes, and he said Master Words to me.

Bo-Such a clever frog!

Chil-The banderlogs are carrying him to the dead city. They can hurt him!

Bo-Oh, poor man-cub! Fool that I am! Fat, brown fool that I am! How can we get them, they jump high. They are not afraid of us!

Ba- I know where we go! WE go to Kaa, the Rock Snake. He can climb. He takes young monkeys at night. They are afraid of him, only of him!

(музыка, идут к Каа. Тот греется на солнце)

Ba- Good hunting, Kaa!

Kaa-Good hunting to us all. BALOO, Bagheera, what are you doing here.

Ba- We are going to hunt.

Kaa- Let me come with you. I am so hungry!

Ba- I don’t know if you like it. We are hunting for monkeys.

Kaa-Hiss, they are evil. They call me a footless yellow earth-worm.

Ba- Yes, they do. And today they’ve cried you lost your teeth and you are too old to hunt.

Kasa- Me? Old to hunt? Lost my teeth? Hiss! They also called me a fish.

Ba- Yes, a fish. And an earth-worm.

Kaa-We must teach them to speak to their master. As-sh! Where are they?

Boo-Chil said they went to the dead city.

Kaa-All one. Let us go on. ( Уходят. Мертвый город. Маугли среди обезьян.)

Ma- I want to eat. Let me hunt!

M1- No, stay here. We’ll bring you food. (убегают, прибегают с фруктами, начинают толкаться, роняют все в драке. Маугли пытается уйти, догоняют его, волокут обратно. Говорят, перебивая друг друга)

M2- No, no! Don’t leave us! It’s so foolish!

M3- We are great!

M4- We are wonderful!

M1- Stay with us!

M2-Be our leader!

M3- We are the best!

M4- What we say is  true!

M1-Look! There is a Black Panther.

M2- He is alone! Kill him!(все бандерлоги бросаются к Багире)

M3-(охраняет Маугли) Stay here !We’ll kill your friend!

Boo- I am here! I am climbing! I hurry! Oh, the most infamous banderlog!(вступает в битву)

Музыка, пятно света на появившегося Каа.

M1234-останавливаются.- Its Kaa! Its Kaa! Run! Run!

Mo-We be of one blood, you and I. You gave me life tonight, Kaa.

Kaa-All thanks, Little Brother.

Mo-If ever you are in a trap, I’ll pay the debt.

Kaa-Well said. A brave heart and a clever tongue. And now go and sleep. It’s not well for you to see what’s going on here.

(Ba, Boo, Mo- уходят, музыка факира, свет меркнет)

Kaa- The moon sets. Can you see me, banderlogs?

M1234- We see you, Kaa!

Kaa- Begins now the dance. Sit still and watch! (танец Каа)

Kaa- Banderlogs, can you move your foot without my order?

M1234- No, Kaa!

Kaa- Good, come nearer to me! … Closer! …Closer!

(Багира и Балу пытаются вернуться, Маугли удерживает их:

Mo- No! You stay with me!

Ba- Keep your hand! Or I must go!

Boo- I must go!

Mo- No, friends! Well keep together! Forever!

(Занавес медленно закрывается- бандерлоги все ближе подходят к Каа)

 Спектакль "Робин Гуд" 

 Jester: (поет речитативом, на манер средневекового менестреля) Once there was a lad that killed a King’s deer,

               And gave its meat to his mother.

               So he was to  be hung at Nottingham Fair

               And with him five another…

Guard: Listen! The Sheriff is coming to his castle in Nottingham!

Soldier( ведет арестованного): Where’s the Sheriff?

 Guard: Here. What do you want? Who is this man?

 Soldier: He is a Saxon. We caught him in the forest. He killed a King’s deer!

 Sheriff: What? Did I hear correctly? Killed a King’s deer?!

 John: We had no food. I had to kill it! I must feed my family!

 Sheriff: How often must I tell you, people? The forest belongs to the King! The animals belong to the King! You mustn’t kill them! Hang him!

John: We were hungry. We had nothing to eat!

 Sheriff: Take him away! You’ll be hung tomorrow!

           (поет)  Look! They want to eat!

             To have their piece of meat!

             But their only right is to work all day

             And to bring me money with no delay.

             Or I’ll kill them, I’ll hang them!

             For I’m the Sheriff of Nottingham!

Открывается занавес-на сцене городская площадь, торговцы с корзинами, один из них торгует яблоками:

Robin: Come and have a look! The best apples for a trifle! Take five-I’ll give you a knife! Take ten-you’ll get a hen!

Sherif: What are you doing? Why do you sell apples so cheap?

Robin: My father left me a large apple garden, I don’t know what to do with the apples, so I give them to people.

Sherif: Sell me your garden. Where is it?

Robin: Not far from here, sir. I’ll show you. But first I’d like to see the city.

Sherif: What do you want to see? Here’s the castle and the prison. I’ve got five of Robin Hood’s men there. Come to the fair tomorrow and you’ll see us hung them.

Robin: Well, I’ll come tomorrow. And now follow me. (уходят со сцены, занавес закрывается)

Sherif: We have gone so far, where is your apple garden?

Robin: We have come –here it is!

Sherif: But this is not a garden – this is Sherwood forest! And there lives ….

Robin: Robin Hood? Yes, I do! (снимает шляпу и плащ) Welcome to my place! We’ve got a lot of apples over here. And here is one for you! (достает яблоко и ставит на голову шерифу, занавес открывается, на сцене стоят лучники, нацелив луки на шерифа)

How much would you pay for your apple? (шериф дрожит от страха, достает кошелек, отдает Робину)

Robin: No, it’s not enough, give us your ring also. (шериф отдает свой перстень)

Now you may go, but don’t forget you’ve got a lot of friends in Sherwood. Don’t leave your apple!

(шериф убегает)

Brothers(свистят ему вслед, затем танцуют и поют)

             Hey-ho, brotthers,

             Our homeland is Sherwood,

             With no King, with no Sherif

             Our life is very good! (занавес)

Jester: The sweetest apples grow in Sherwood,

           The sheriff will never forget,

           He wants to catch our friend Robin Hood,

           But never he will Robin get! (занавес открывается, на сцене Робин Гуд и его друг монах Так)

Tuck: So what have you decided to do, Robin?

Robin: I’m going to Nottingham fair. You and the brothers follow me. Let’s see what we can do to save John and our men from the Sherif.

Tuck: But how do you want to enter the city? Sherif is looking for you everywhere!

Robin: Don’t worry, I’ll invent somethig.

Tuck: Good bye, Robin, take care!

Robin: Meet you at the fair, fat monk!

 (Робин идет по лесу и встречает нищего)

 Robin: Good morning, poor man. Where are you going?

Beggar: To Nottingham, sir. I don’t have any money on me. Look, sir, only empty pockets. May I go further by my way?

Robin: No, stay where you are. I like your clothes.

Beggar: My clothes? But they are so old and shabby! Who needs them?

Robin: I do. Put them off.

Beggar: Oh, sir, if you take my clothes, what shall I wear?

Robin: I’ll give you good money for them. Four gold coins.

Beggar: Four gold coins for these? Are you kidding? You must be a king to pay four gold coins for this rubbish. But you are not a king. Oh, I know who you are! Here, my clothes, my shoes, everything!

Robin: Wait! I don’t need everything! Pooh! Your shoes are so smelly! But here you are. Four gold coins and your new clothes.

Beggar: For me? New clothes and four gold coins? I feel like a new man!

Robin: You are a new man. And I am a poor beggar. Sorry, I must go. I should get to Nottingham quickly. Good bye and thank you!

Beggar: Thank you, good man. Thank you, R...

(танцует и поет)

I was a poor beggar,

But one day in the wood

I met a man, he gave me gold,

His name was Robin Hood!

Do you know his name?

If you do, don’t say!

He is so brave, he is so kind,

This man in long green hood,

All poor people praise his name

For he is Robin Hood!

Do you know his name?

If you do, don’t say!

 ( Народ собирается на площади, выходят солдаты, звучит музыка-входит шериф)

 Sherif: Quiet! You know the law! These men are criminals! They killed the King’s deer! They must die! Who of you will come and kill them? I give forty gold coins to the man who hangs them. But remember, he must be a Saxon, because according to the law only Saxons can kill Saxons.

Robin: I’ll hang them for that money.

Sherif: Are you a Saxon?

 Robin: Ye, I am. Give me the money and I’ll hang them gladly!

Sherif: Here is your money. Hurry up, hang them! ( барабаны)

 Robin: Stop. First I must hear their confession. Its also a law, isnt it, Sheriff? (подходит к  лесным братьям, стоящим в толпе с закрытыми капюшонами лицами, шепчется с ними)

Sherif: Come on. Perform your job quickly, beggar. I want to have my dinner.

 Robin: Dinner? Some more apples for dinner, Sherif? (достает рожок, дает сигнал, люди в толпе снимают капюшоны, набрасываются на стражу, освобождают братьев, все убегают)

 Sherif: Catch them, why are you staying here? The city is full of Robin Hood’s men!


Ha-ha-ha! What a day!

Robin helped them to escape!

Ha-ha-ha!All Saxons laugh!

Robin Hood is our love!

Robin: Welcome to Sherwood, brothers! We need good shooters to fight the Sherif.

Tuck: Dont’ worry. We’ll help your mother. We’ll send her food and money.

Brothers: Thank you, friends. We’ve always dreamt to stay with you and to fight for all the poor!

 Robin: Let me introduce you my stuff. Here are my best shooters!

 (занавес открывается, братья поют и танцуют)

Hey-ho, brothers,

We all live in Sherwood!

With no King, with no Sherif

Our life is very good!

Robin: So these are my brave men!

 Marian: And women!

 Robin: And a woman- the most beautiful woman of Sherwood forest- Maid Marian.

 Marian: Thank you, Robin. Don’t be so pompous! Half of your “brothers” are women!

Robin: What do you mean, Marian?

Marian: I mean what I say: half of your brothers are...sisters! Girls, he doesn’t believe. Let’s persuade him! Our hero! Our glorious Robin! He thinks only men can firght properly!

(девушки танцуют)

Marian: Robin, how do you feel?

 Robin: I’m overhelmed, thrilled, stuperfied! My best shooters are women!

 Marian: We also want to fight for freedom and justice! We dont’ like just sitting at home changing nappies and cooking!

Tuck: Cooking! Marian, I want to eat again!

Marian: Then go and cook your meal yourself!

Tuck: But you must cook for me! You are a woman!

 Marian: I must? Not in this play! Have you ever seen a law saying women MUST cook? So, go and find it, then I’ll cook for you. And meanwhile you may eat this. (дает ему яблоко)

 Robin: Stop, you two! Don’t argue. Only all together we can win over the King and the Sherif. Let’s better sing our song!

We live in this green forest, the forest of Sherwood

We fight the rich, we help the poor with our Robin Hood!

Jetser: And if you are in danger or needing any help,

           Just say this name, just say this name,

            Just say this name again!

All together: Robin Hood! Robin Hood! And life will change for good!


Jester: Let me introduce the company:

Robin Hood – the brave hero of Sherwood

Prior Tuck- our favorite fat monk

Maid Marion- the most beautiful woman of Sherwood

Brothers and sisters- Robin Hood’s shooters who fight with him for freedom

And some day we’ll certainly win, because we are all


(поем Friends will be friends)


Степени сравнения прилагательных:
good – better – best
bad – worse – worst
little – less – least
many – more – most
far – farther/further – farthest /furthest
old – older/elder – oldest/eldest

Таблица неправильных глаголов

Таблица времён глаголов

Исключения множественного числа в английском языке

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